Jasper Tour Company is currently closed and looks forward to welcoming guests again at a later date. Please check back to this listing for updates. Thank you for your support during Jasper’s recovery. - For thousands of years, indigenous people have traversed through these mountains, creating routes used to trade between the different communities living on either side of the divide. The advent of the Fur Trade, saw them continue to do so, with many of them acting as guides to the European traders. Now, more than 200 years after the first Europeans were shown the way through the Rockies, the Jasper Tour Company continues to do the same. Following in the footsteps of those who came before, the Jasper Tour Company will take you out in search of experiences generally only found on the periphery of our daily lives. The Jasper Tour Company will treat you to a memorable pioneering experience that will help you build more of your own excellent history. The mountains provide the setting. They provide the guide. Without you, there can be no adventure. Currently open for private tours.

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Canadian Rockies

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Wildlife Viewing
Sightseeing Tours
BBC Storyworks
BBC Storyworks
Joe Urie
Joe Urie
Joe Urie
Joe Urie
BBC Storyworks
BBC Storyworks
Joe Urie
Joe Urie
Joe Urie
Joe Urie
Joe Urie
Joe Urie
Joe Urie
Joe Urie
Joe Urie
Joe Urie